Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What is impotence?

What is impotence? This question may disturb a lot of people from different age groups. To answer this question it is possible just to say that it is the condition under which the person experience inability to develop and maintain an erection which is required for the satisfactory sexual intercourse. Within learning what is impotence it is worth to now that in some cases sufferers cannot even achieve an erection, in other cases men are able to develop it but unable to keep it, and one more part of people who experience this disease get a “hard-on” but it is not enough to penetrate the partner.
If you ask some people what is impotence they may answer you that it is the second name of such a condition as erectile dysfunction. If you experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction it is better to visit a doctor and share your fears with him. Actually almost every male experiences impotency once in a lifetime. A great variety of reasons may cause this disease. Conversation with a doctor will help you to find answers to the question “What is impotence” and what should you do in order to cope with this health problem.
It is possible to say that erectile dysfunction is rather common and it may appear in any part of a person’s circle of life. Impotence may affect teenagers and young men. At this period of life impotency causes are mainly psychological. The most frequent cause is anxiety. Rather numerous numbers of teenagers nervous because of having sexual intercourse. The other reason of possible anxiety is nervousness about causing a pregnancy. This is very common fear for young men. And there exist one more cause of loosing erection - it is the usage of condoms. Some teenagers cannot achieve a result because of thinking about this condition.
When the person grows elder he may be affected by much more different aspects of the everyday life. Middle aged group of people may experience erectile dysfunction due to state of overwork or stress. These causes are the most common for this group of male population all over the world. Some psychological reasons as feelings of guilt and bereavement may also influence the development of erection and its maintaining. Unfortunately some men loose their beloved wives. It is naturally that a rather young man wants to have active sexual life, not to be alone and maybe create another family. But in some cases widowed men cannot have satisfactory sexual intercourse with a new partner. Such cases are bright examples of exactly this psychological cause. Counseling with a good specialist, frankly conversations with the close confidant may help sufferers.
Among other common factors that may cause erectile dysfunction it s possible to distinguish the next items: harmful habits such as consumption excessive amounts of alcohol, smoking and of course usage of illegal drugs. Also some physical health problems may have a great impact on the intercourse. Among such health problems it is possible to list diabetes, kidney and heart diseases. Obesity is also is one of the most common causes of appearing impotency.
The problem of erectile dysfunction is widely spread about post-middle aged group of people. A lot of people with the age increasing begin to experience some symptoms of impotency but it does not mean that if you are over seventy you will not have sexual life for sure. Life healthy life and you will have more chances for satisfactory intercourse at this age. Also a great number of impotency cure are known.

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